The final point in our Move realm; the idea of this type of movement is to increase energy flow in the body, rather than deplete energy. You should finish the session feeling more energised, rather than tired. Paul Chek, world renowned Health & Fitness Coach, calls this type of exercise “Working In” rather than Working Out. If you’re addicted to intense workouts, you should probably finish Energising sessions feeling like you want more. But in the long term this addiction should be replaced with the recognition that this work improves your capacity to work at higher intensity on other days and you should welcome it.
There are a few types of Energising Work that I would suggest you consider trying:
- Qi-Gong / Tai Chi – These are traditional eastern forms of working with your bodies energy systems and have been shown to have all kinds of positive health benefits
- Yoga / Pilates – If looking to use these for energising work, ensure you find gentler forms. Hot yoga or very advanced Pilates, for example, are likely to feel more like working out and leave you feeling tired rather than energised
- Active Recovery – This is essentially gentle exercise, at a very low intensity.
- Bodywork – Additional treatments or practises you can visit a practitioner for, or you can do yourself. These are used to accelerate recovery or to fix any problems you’re experiencing
At least 2 x per week, do a 20-60 minute session of Energising Work.
Examples of Active Recovery:
- Easy swimming/cycling/rowing
- Very low intensity circuit training
Benefits of Active Recovery Sessions:
- Restore range of motion at joints
- Increase blood flow
- Flush out toxins
Examples of Bodywork:
- Sports massage, Active Release Therapy (ART) or similar
- Self-myofascial release (foam rolling, physio ball etc.)
- Physio or Chiropractic check up
- Heat work – Sauna and/or Ice Baths