I believe there isn’t a one fits all solution to nutrition. Our bodies are as different on the inside as the outside and the ideal fuel for one is different to the ideal for another.
Once you’ve got the basics of drinking enough water, got used to eating lots of vegetables, and enough protein each day, it’s time to dial in your diet and find the right fit for you. You could either start by establishing your body type (see below) to find your macronutrient ratio (how much carbs, protein and fat you should be eating). Or if you have more bodyfat to lose and that is one of your goals, you might choose to start with a Keto Reset and then go from there. Some people who have lots of immune or gut issues might even begin with a complete elimination diet (carnivore, for example) before experimentally adding things back in to see what works.
The best approach is to work with a coach, who can both guide you and support you through the challenges of changing your diet.
Agree on a Personalised Nutrition Plan with your Coach (suggested approaches below).
Aim for 85% adherence to the plan – I’m not suggesting perfection in your plan. I expect that in a normal week there will be a little deviance. Some nutritionists even suggest that by not eating perfect the whole time you can accelerate your progress.
Suggested approaches:
- Option 1 – The Ideal Plate:
Decide with your Coach what your ideal plate should look like. Aim to eat a plate that looks like that at each meal (3-4 x day, depending on bodyweight and training).
85% allows for up to 3 “Off Plan” items/meals per week (or 1 Day Off). Off Plan meals would include having desserts/cakes/biscuits, drinking alcohol or calorific beverages, or eating a lot bigger starchy carbs/fat portion than your current Personal Nutrition Plan suggests.
- Option 2 – Macros:
Agree a macro-nutrient ratio goal and total calories goal with your Coach. Over the day you will try to hit those macros. You’ll need to track using a food app like myfitnesspal or similar.
Your goal: Within 5% of your goals for each macro at the end of the day.
- Option 3 – other experiments:
Work with a Coach to agree any other way of approaching your diet. You might be keen to try an elimination diet or some form of intermittent fasting (5:2 diet for instance). Your Coach can work with you to agree how you’ll approach this and track results.
Body type (Somatotype) suggestions:

The 3 Somatotypes Are Outlined Visually Above
Research is now showing the characteristics of somatotypes can be directly linked to some interesting metabolic differences between people. Specifically:
- Ectomorphs – thin individuals, characterized by smaller bone structures, and typically thinner limbs (think endurance athletes). This profile is linked to a fast metabolic rate and a higher carbohydrate tolerance (and needs). As a result, ectomorphs do best on higher carb diets with moderate protein intake and lower fat in the diet. A typical ballpark for this type of athlete would be around 55% Carbohydrate in the diet, 25% protein, and 20% fat
- Mesomorphs –individuals characterized by a medium sized bone structure and athletic bodies holding a significant amount of lean mass (think gymnasts). This profile obviously leads to a propensity for muscle gain and the maintenance of a low body fat. As a result, mesomorphs typically do best on a mixed diet, consisting of a good balance of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. Indeed, in this type of individual, a zone-style diet works quite well. And this would consist of about 40% carbohydrate in the diet, 30% protein, and 30% fat.
- Endomorphs –individuals characterized by a larger bone structure with higher amounts of total body mass and fat mass (think power lifters). They are generally less active, and are not as efficient at burning off excess calories. This profile leads to a greater propensity to store energy – both in lean as well as fat compartments. It also leads to a lower carbohydrate tolerance (and needs). As a result, endomorphs typically do best on a higher fat and protein intake with carbohydrates being better controlled. A typical ballpark for this type of athlete would be around 25% carbs in the diet, 35% protein, and 40% fat.
Metabolic Type – Find yours
Along similar lines to the Somatotypes above, another method is to establish your Metabolic type through a questionnaire. This method then prescribes one of three options: Carbohydrate type, Protein type or Mixed type. These prescriptions are quite similar to the Somatotypes above. If you want to explore this, you could buy the “Metabolic Type Diet” book by William Wolcott and Trish Fahey, or “How to Eat, Move and Be Healthy” by Paul Chek.
Primal / Paleo eating
This approach is based on the theory that our hunter gatherer ancestors wouldn’t have eaten many of the foods we consume these days and that we’re therefore not evolutionarily adapted to them. Also farmed foods wouldn’t have been available in the quantities that we consume them now, so we should reduce them. The basic rules for this approach are cutting out grains, sugar and refined vegetable/seed oils. Then working out how well your body responds to legumes and dairy. Great books to read about this are “The Primal Blueprint” by Mark Sission or “The Paleo Diet” by Loren Cordain.
Keto Reset
This could be a great place to start if you have excess bodyfat and your goal is to lose weight. Going deeper into the Primal eating world, you’ll find the idea that our ancestors would have had periods of fasting, during unsuccessful hunts or times of the year when gathering was tough. During these times their bodies moved into a state of burning stored bodyfat for fuel. We have a system that produces ketones in the liver from stored fat and the body and brain can function on these when needed. There are many reported benefits from being in a state of ketosis for periods, such as reducing inflammation and the risk of many inflammatory diseases. The diet used to achieve this state is high fat (70%+), moderate protein (20%) and very low carbohydrate (less than 10%). It is definitely advised to do your research and be supported by a good coach if you’re going to have a go at this approach. The best book to read, in my opinion, is “The Keto Reset Diet” by Mark Sissions.